Sujet : I need some help to find ...

Hello users ForumPassat.fr

I need Your help again ,

what I mean?

Im looking for good places to buy used cars, accidente cars ,salvage cars in France.
If You know some www, adress and any details for good occasion voiture wink please help me.

I just want to start make import used cars to Poland, can be after crash/ for spare parts.

Thank You for help


Re : I need some help to find ...

hello  smile

http://autos.vehicules-accidentes.fr/vo … dentee.htm




http://www.argusauto.com/piece-accident … 63&y=5


Découvrez ma présentation: Passat 3Bg 1.9 TDi 130/167cv~385nm.embassy de 05/2005-


Re : I need some help to find ...

merci bien smile


Re : I need some help to find ...

de rien!  wink

Découvrez ma présentation: Passat 3Bg 1.9 TDi 130/167cv~385nm.embassy de 05/2005-


Re : I need some help to find ...

Im looking for used car : outlander, grand vitara or rax4 , year 2006- 2007
can be small accidente


Re : I need some help to find ...

Look in Germany, it's closer to you , they speak more english and they have more rubbish cars

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